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STOP wasting time, resources or money on Pillars 1 & 2



Current State

Currently, firms manage financial adequacy using cumbersome processes, tools and methods. For example, the employed processes are wasting manpower and taking too much time; tools are limited to Excel; methods employed result in higher capital requirement than necessary.  

Our Solution

Capital Management Plus (CM+) is a single solution of regulatory capital & liquidity management. Manage your overall financial adequacy requirement (OFAR) with ease. Calculate, monitor, report and consolidate both your capital and liquidity requirement. Save cost and capital.  


Immediate cost saving through radical reduction of workload, manpower and time required to carry out and monitor overall financial adequacy. It provides proof of evidence and audit trails for the regulators. Furthermore, it enables firms to save capital through the internal methods employed.

What is it

How it works

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Simple Process

Data upload via simple templates or APIs. Regulatory calculations for Pillars 1 and 2 in real-time. Regulatory forms & dashboards presenting management with an overview of the firm's overall financial adequacy. 

Optimised Capital 

Because optimal amounts of capital are held, firms leave no money on the table. Furthermore, capital is properly allocated. 

How it works
Head of Risk - Major Asset Management Firm

"Imagine a solution that optimises capital requirement and RoI"

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