Complexity is inherent in any risk. But that does not mean robust analysis of risk needs to be complicated.
Using 'traditional' risk calculation tools felt like cracking the enigma code. The existing tools were not user-friendly at all. They were cumbersome, complicated and could only be operated by quants. It felt a bit like this: in order to drive a car, you also had to be a mechanic.
Therefore, a totally different approach was required. So was born the idea behind Monte Carlo Plus - to provide rapidly-deployable, simple but sophisticated analysis of risks. MC+ is different to traditional tools - it is simpler and exceptionally user-friendly. You don't need to be a quant to use our tools. They are pretty self-explanatory.
They are also tried and tested: UK financial firms have been using our tools for a decade now. And, because firms can undertake sophisticated risk-based analysis simply but with a tiny learning curve, risk and regulatory capital, including sensitivity analysis, can be determined real-time in a cost-efficient way that moves firms to the next level of risk analysis and usability: adding value in decision-making - ICARA and ICAAP are child's play.